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The Free Gift of God in Yeshua (Jesus)

Writer's picture: Dionysis TheodorouDionysis Theodorou

Updated: Apr 24, 2022

The Bible explains that when Adam and Eve sinned they died spiritually, they started dying physically and death and their sinful nature was transmitted to all humanity-and to all creation.

You can be free from your guilt. You can experience forgiveness and newness of life.

Ask God to forgive your sins and grant you newness of life.

Almost 2000 years ago Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) died on the cross for your sins.

Jesus’ sacrificial crucifixion is God’s plan of salvation and not an accident of history. Jesus is the Lamb of God who died for your sins. Jesus conquered death and rose on the third day so that you may rise with Him in newness of life.

Come to Jesus and be born again in newness of life. Unload all your guilt and worries on Jesus and He will give you rest.

You will be born again and filled with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God will teach you, guide you and support you.

You must be born again to experience newness of life.

We are inclined to do bad things and we carry about guilt and regret for things we have done.

You may have tried many methods of self improvement and relaxation but nothing seems to stick. You continue to feel heaviness, guilt and emptiness.

You wish that you could just press delete and be free of all the guilt that weighs you down.

This is actually the natural state of humanity.

We sin (do and think bad things) because we are sinners (Our nature and our environment drive us to behave the way we do).

We are naughty and behave badly even before we are conscious of our actions.

Think of little children. They behave badly in their innocence. We forgive their behavior because they are not accountable for their actions. Behaving badly is our natural state. Otherwise there would be no need for rules, laws, regulations and law enforcement. Psalms 51:5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me.

The Bible explains that when Adam and Eve sinned they died spiritually and their sinful nature was transmitted to all humanity.

God sacrificed an animal to cover Adam and Eve’s shamefulness, thereby establishing that without sacrifice and blood there is no covering or forgiveness of sin.

You can be free from your guilt. You can experience forgiveness and newness of life.

Call on God from your heart. It’s between you and Him. Nobody has to know what is going on in your heart and mind. Admit to God that you need His help.

Ask God to forgive your sins and grant you newness of life.

Almost 2000 years ago Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) died on the cross for your sins.

Jesus’ sacrificial crucifixion is God’s plan of salvation and not an accident of history. Jesus is the Lamb of God who died for your sins. Jesus conquered death and rose on the third day so that you may rise with Him in newness of life.

I’m not talking about religion, religious leaders and religious systems, cults and groups. I’m talking about a personal and living relationship with the savior who is in heaven.

Some time after He rose from the dead, Yeshua ascended into heaven where he is seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us. Yeshua is our King, our High Priest, our Lord and our Saviour to the glory of God the Father.

Come to Jesus and be born again in newness of life. Unload all your guilt and worries on Jesus and He will give you rest.

You will be born again and filled with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God will teach you, guide you and support you.

You must be born again to experience newness of life.

Either you are born again or you are not. There is no half way. Being born again is a personal miraculous experience that cannot really be explained or understood. Your personal experience is the best proof. How do you explain falling in love to someone who has never fallen in love?

If you cannot remember a day or a time in your life when you fell in love with Jesus and your life changed, you have probably not been born again.

It is not enough to believe in God. You must be born again. This is not meant to offend you. This is a spiritual, heavenly truth.

Jesus answered and said to him, (to Nicodemus, a Pharisees and a ruler of the Jews) “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

Come to Jesus. Ask Him for forgiveness. Invite Jesus into your heart. You will be granted newness of life in the supernatural experience of being born again and filled with the Spirit of God. You will actually feel the warmth and the love of your Father in your heart, in your body and in your mind. You will experience relief, hope, power, confidence and newness and fullness of life.

Matthew 11:28-30 28 Jesus is calling you Matthew 11:28-30 28 Jesus is calling you “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Things to be aware of when you are drawn to fellowship with other believers

  • That no one asks you for money in a way that makes you feel guilty or even uncomfortable if and when you do not feel compelled to donate.

  • That no one asks for your loyalty in a way that causes you to neglect your spouse, children or parents.

-Your loyalty is to Jesus in heaven

-Your family may resist your faith. Love them and pray for them.

  • That no one advises you against working for your living and that you should instead spend time supporting the group.

  • Find a Bible translation that is comfortable to read and trust the Lord for your understanding.

  • Do not be dependent on commentaries and messages on YouTube for your understanding of the Bible.

-Your relationship with the Lord Jesus will develop your sense of discernment and you will know how to recognize true teachings.

-Remember that the Holy Spirit lives inside you, He teaches you all things and He will never leave you.


Read my testimony and personal experience of being born again here

More on "You Must Be Born Again" here


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