As a believer I feel an obligation to speak openly about the events that have been painfully unfolding before us since we heard the sirens wailing at 06:30 last Shabbat morning.
As of now we are at over 1200 dead and over 3000 injured.
The Israeli Airforce continues to target Gaza.
The northern front in Lebanon and Syria is heating up in escalating confrontations with Hezbollah who are shelling the northern Israeli communities with rockets.
It has also been reported that a number of Hezbollah terrorists infiltrated Israel and were neutralised by the Israeli army.
The Home Front Command has directed residents of a number of communities in the north to evacuate their homes.
Negotiations are reaching their closing phases towards the formation of an emergency unity government to plan the next steps.
For more frequent updates please connect to the English language news outlets in Israel. (Advise which ones)
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I fell in love with Israel after a spiritual experience in April 1998 while living in New York. I believed in Yeshua the Jewish Messiah and I was born again.
My love for Israel and the Jewish people didn’t start as an academic curiosity—to read the Bible in Hebrew and to study Jewish history.
My interest in Israel started as a heart felt love and interest in this ancient people.
I went on to study Biblical Criticism, Jewish History and Hebrew Linguistics at Hunter college in New York and at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
I moved to Israel in October 2002 where I have been living since. My wife is Jewish Israel and we have three girls. Our eldest is currently serving in the IDF - The Israeli Defence Forces.
We have violently been dragged into this terrible situation and it is our responsibility to take the necessary action which will ensure that we emerge into a new reality.
It looks like we’re in this for the long run so we might as well get to know each other.
We not only need your support. I’m asking you to make an effort to understand.
Please understand where we are coming from and what our intentions are.
Give it some thought and formulate your opinion with the support of knowledge and experience over time.
Don’t go with the flow.
Don’t be influenced by the haters.
I’ve learned to know and love this people and this country because my experience here, over more than twenty years, has been amazing and inspiring.
It has been not free of the familiar struggles and hardship—which are not related to security issues.
I love this country because it is both liberal and conservative, it is ultra modern and as ancient as can be, it successfully combines the traditional with the progressive and it is driven by a God given mandate to contribute to humanity—to be a light to the nations. This is the DNA of the Jewish people and of Israel, the only Jewish State.
Jewish people from the four corners of the earth have gathered here and have built an amazing country which is an asset and a contribution to the whole of humanity in all fields. The world wouldn’t be the same without Israel.
Israel provides all of its citizens, regardless of religion or nationality, the opportunity, environment and atmosphere necessary for success and self determination. Statistics and studies continuously happiest in the world.
Israel is super democratic not only in its political system but deep down in its Jewish soul. You’ve heard the saying “two Jews, five opinion”. What is more democratic than that.
Disagreement and heated discussion is not only acceptable—it is encouraged.
Hierarchy exists as a structure of management to maintain order; however, it does not hinder heated arguments, problem solving and solution seeking between the ranks.
It is common for all parties to be on a first name basis. Children call their teachers by their first name as far back as kindergarten—and it is not due to a lack of respect.
Family values. Loyalty. Humility.
Please keep us in your prayers. I’ll continue to update.
Thank you once more for watching, reading and listening.
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Many blessings. Until next time. Shalom for now.